Monthly Archives: December 2009


These were so fun to make!  I was surprised how large these blocks were…3" x 3" x 3".  Just order the Decor Elements Blocks (Set of 4) #116829 in the Holiday Mini.  Yes, I ordered two sets so I could decorate five blocks!  I'll use the extras for another project!  I used Tombow Multipurpose Glue to cover the blocks with Designer Paper from the Christmas Jingle Simply Scrappin' Kit #115696.  Then you just decorate all 4 sides (not the tops or bottoms, unless you make them very flat!) with other elements in the kit or anything else you want to put on them!  Once you get started you will find you become very creative!  You could do less decorating and attach photos to the blocks as well.  Wouldn't these make terrific Christmas gifts?!

And after the holidays, decorate more for any season or home decor!

