Veterans Day November 11th

November 11 has become known as Veterans Day but originally it was Armistice Day, which was the end of World War I …Nov. 11, 1918. Perhaps a lot of our grandparents served in World War I. After the second World War and the Korean War, the Congress changed the word Armistice to Veterans to commemorate American veterans of all wars. That was June 1, 1954. In 1968, Veterans Day became one of the holidays celebrated to accomodate three-day weekends.  However, many did not agree with this and wanted Veterans Day to be celebrated on the exact date.  In  1978, after President Ford signed a new law in 1975, the holiday was returned to its original date of November 11th. If the day falls on a Saturday or Sunday, then it is observed by the government on the Friday before or Monday after.

You can visit the Department of Veterans Affairs website here.

Veterans Day is not to be confused with Memorial Day.  Veterans Day is to thank living veterans for their service to all of us.

Thank you to all of our veterans!!

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