Coins on Military Tombstones

Memorial Day Cemetary

Fort Rosecrans National Cemetary

Today is Memorial Day, a day commemorating those men and women who gave their lives in military service to our country. It’s something we should all think about as we often go about our holiday activities on this day. It used to be called Decoration Day and used to be celebrated on the real day, May 30, until we went to the Monday holidays.

On the local news yesterday, I heard this story about leaving coins on a military tombstone. I’m not sure that I’d heard of it, or if I did, I didn’t remember what it meant. This story said that leaving a coin on a tombstone lets the family know that someone stopped by to pay respects to their soldier.  A penny shows that someone visited. A nickel means you trained with the soldier. A dime means you served with that soldier. A quarter means you were there when that soldier was killed.

You can watch the video below, it’s quite touching, or read the article HERE.

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